We Manufacture Refrigerated Beer Tap Trailers
We are located in Watertown which is in Southastern Wisconsin. Your trailer can be delivered to you on a flat bed truck anywhere in the country. Otherwise you can make arrangement to pick it up if you prefer.
Our Refrigerated Trailers plug into a regular 110 outlet, 15-20 amps depending on the trailer size. They can also be powered by a generator, which we have available as an option.
The tap trailers will hold anywhere from 8 – 30 half barrels on the floor. Standard taps come on the drivers side of the tap trailer, We can add more beer taps to the passenger side as well; if needed.
If you are not going to be tapping any beverages, we can omit the tap system. Using it as just a refrigerated cooling trailer, this is a great option for meat markets & caterers.
Let us help find the perfect size tap trailer to accommodate your event needs.
We have three tap trailer sizes available:
- 6’ – Refrigerated Beer Tap Trailer holds 8 half barrels on the floor,
- 8’ – Refrigerated Beer Tap Trailer holds 20 half barrels on the floor.
- 12’ – Refrigerated Beer Tap Trailer holds 30 half barrels on the floor.
Refrigerated Beer Tap Trailers are not just for beer, you can tap anything that come in a keg. Like Soda, Seltzer, Wine, Coffee, even your favorite mixed drink. The refrigerated beer tap trailers are perfect for any type of large gathering. Be it a party, festival, wedding, concert, or tailgating at a sporting event.

Lets get the party started!
Choose from one of three sizes with various options

12-Foot Tap Trailer
Holds 30 half barrels on the floor
8-Foot Tap Trailer
Holds 20 half barrels on the floor
6-Foot Tap Trailer
Holds 8 half barrels on the floor
Have Questions about our Draft Trailers?
We’d love to speak to you

Call us today
Need financing on your trailer? Contact Brewery Finance for funding help!